Join us for a wild, wonderful, watery adventure at the Wild, Wonderful Ark Christian Day Camp! This curriculum includes four half day adventures for Preschoolers through 5th Graders. Children are divided into crews by age, with their own unique animal mascot. Each day the crews will visit stations to learn about and experience the adventure of God's Word and love for them.
Daily stations include:
- The All Aboard Assembly
- Joyful Noise Music Station
- Staying Afloat Bible Stories
- The Watering Hole Snack Station
- One of a Kind Rainbow Craft Station
- Wild Times Games and Recreation
Leader Materials Include:
- Sample Schedules and Set-Up
- Station Curriculum
- Crew Leader Instructions
- Station Leader Instructions
- Sample Registration and Marketing Materials
- Decorating Guidelines
- Music Outlines
- Grand Finale Program

Welcome to It's a Miracle! This 13 Week curriculum is designed for children in Preschool through 5th Grade. In this series of 13 lessons in 13 individual modules, children learn about the miracles that Jesus performed in his earthly ministry. We focus on why Jesus chose to intervene and the ways in which people's lives were transformed by his actions. The stories are presented in an age-appropriate manner and easy to understand language, with a focus on how Jesus' miracles relate to his presence in their everyday lives.
The miracles studied include:
- Turning Water into Wine
- The Great Hauls of Fish
- Healing the Sick
- Driving Out Evil Spirits
- Calming the Storm
- Feeding Five Thousand People
- Walking on Water
- Curing a Paralytic
- Resurrections
- Healing Lepers
- Healing the Blind, Deaf, and Mute
- Withering the Fig Tree
- The Miracle of Jesus' Resurrection and Our Forgiveness
The 13 weekly lesson schedule designed to meet the needs of your children's Sunday School or weekly Bible study class. Each lesson includes:
- A weekly memory verse
- An interactive Bible story
- A craft with step-by-step instructions
- A game that matches the lesson theme
- Fun assessments and interactives to quiz children on what they've learned and aid in retention
- An Instructor Guide with detailed instructions and recommendations for teaching in varied formats.
The course materials are formatted for traditional classroom, fully online learning, and a hybrid approach, allowing you to decide what works best for your group and the situation in which you find yourselves learning. Whether your group members are able to be physically close together, or are dispersed across the globe, It's a Miracle will bring Jesus' miraculous deeds home to you!

Your course contains 5 weeks’ worth of lessons in 5 individual modules. This course is designed to run during the four Sundays of Advent, with a lesson for Christmas Eve as well. Everything you need to teach the course is included in the course shell, with the exception of basic craft materials outlined for each week.
The five lesson topics include:
- The Angel Visits Mary
- The Angel in Joseph's Dream
- The Shepherds Receive the Good News
- No Room at the Inn
- Everyone Gathers in the Stable
Each module includes the following lesson elements:
- A Bible reading
- An Interactive Bible Lesson
- A Memento (craft)
- A Game
- A Discussion

Welcome to ECHO001! This is a sample course module that allows you to explore the 3-in-1 curricular module. The content in this module is designed for children in Preschool through Fifth Grade. Login as a Counsellor (teacher) or Camper (student) to explore the different levels of access.
- トレーナー: Teacher1 Sample
- トレーナー: Teacher2 Sample

Holy Days is an eleven module course designed for children in Preschool through 5th Grade. The focus of this curriculum is to teach young people about the meaning and significance of the Christian holidays that they celebrate. The holidays included are: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension Sunday, Pentecost, and All Saints' Sunday. The curriculum also includes an overview of the Christian Calendar, and an module on Ordinary Time. This curriculum is meant to be taught intermittently with other Echo Imprint Children's curriculum, so that children's classes have special lessons to be taught on or near the holidays themselves. It can, however, be taught as a stand-alone curriculum for classes that are interested in studying the Christian Calendar and its significance in modern Christian life.

Welcome to Camping in the Kingdom! This 13 Week curriculum is designed for children in Preschool through 5th Grade. At Kingdom Camp we learn about God's loving leadership in both the Old Testament and New Testament And we learn, that no matter how dark the night, God is always with us, and He always has a plan!
The 13 weekly lesson schedule designed to meet the needs of your children's Sunday School or weekly Bible study class. Each lesson includes:
- A weekly memory verse
- An interactive Bible story
- A craft with step-by-step instructions
- A game that matches the lesson theme
- Fun assessments and interactives to quiz children on what they've learned and aid in retention
- An Instructor Guide with detailed instructions and recommendations for teaching in varied formats.
The course materials are formatted for traditional classroom, fully online learning, and a hybrid approach, allowing you to decide what works best for your group and the situation in which you find yourselves learning. Whether your group members are able to be physically close together, or are dispersed across the globe, you can worship and learn together at Kingdom Camp!